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When you make a decision to get a divorce, it comes from a place of survival for me. Sometimes you find yourself in a place where things didn’t work the way you thought they would. My belief system was to be married forever. When I realized that things were not going to work, that the situation was not going to change, you know, it was an awakening of sorts that, wow, this is not healthy for me. I am not living my best life. I don’t have to live like this. I don’t have to continue in a situation where there’s so much negativity and criticism that it beats me down. You know, I didn’t fail the marriage, really. What I. I actually take it as I claimed my own personhood, my own rights, honestly. We all have the perfect right to live a healthy life.
It’s more important to find your voice, make a change, control what you can. And what I could control at the time was where I am, who I’m with, and what I will accept as behavior that’s directed to me. And I chose not to take that negative behavior anymore.